Drizzle on Sunflower 

Drizzle on Sunflower by Sandra Brownrigg, October 6, 2018. All rights reserved.
Drizzle on Sunflower by Sandra Brownrigg, October 6, 2018. All rights reserved.

So long, summer. I am still at an age where “see you next year” is more of an expectation than a prayer. Yet, I mourn the departure of your happy, uncomplicated warmth, your vivid colors, your flourishing growth and exuberant life.

Now, it is time for meditative appreciation of late-blooming autumn beauty. The crisp and energizing air beckons, awash in the promise of adventure yet to be had, experiences still to be savored.

Time speeds up at this phase, however. The dormant, solitary rest of peaceful winter is now on my horizon, while spring grows ever more distant.