I recently updated my Twitter account, @amplifyit,
to put the new option for a header to use. While I was at it, I decided to upload a custom background instead of the generic Twitter-branded one I’ve been using for the last two years. I guess I am finally getting serious about Twitter as a useful source of information, tips on news and new things, and — occasionally yet most welcome – sprightly dialogue.
Tiresome reminders: remember to have your contact information, your why-to-buy, a call-to-action if you want someone to do something, and an image that is evocative of who you are and what you do.
I appear to break many of those rules, because on Twitter, my goal is to provide information and engage in dialogue. Sure, I want to convey that I am a consultant. But, I am not looking for clients from Twitter. I am building various knowledge bases, lists of interesting subject matter experts who tweet on topics of interest to me. So, I have no call to action, because I am an observer and participant in the Twitterverse, not a business, per se. So, when thinking about how you want to display your brand (or your personal identity) on Twitter, think about how you want to use Twitter (and whether it’s realistic,). Then, create a visual that is responsive to that goal.
What do you think about the new header capability? Is it a ho hum thing, or is it useful? What else should Twitter do to help businesses and people better put it to use?